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From work to play, utilise fabric textures to enhance your every day style.

  1. 學院氣質型Preppy Style


    This look is all about layering and contrast - making sure your light coloured shirt collar and cuffs show the right amount under a dark sweater. Feeling adventurous? Express your personality by mixing and matching your own colours of contrast, like a warm toffee sweater with a cool mint shirt, or a bright shirt under a muted sweater. This perfect work to play style also pairs well with sneakers and leather shoes; talk about endless possibilities.

  2. 休閒商務Smart Casual

    相較束縛不⾃在的正式⻄裝,主張舒適輕便的休閒⻄裝上衣在近年⼤受歡迎,除了適⽤於商務場合穿搭外,其作為平⽇的休閒穿搭亦相當不錯。要混搭出Smart Casual的休閒感,下⾝的褲款絕對是關鍵所在——利⽤⽜仔褲或卡其⾊斜布褲取代較拘謹嚴肅的⻄裝褲可令造型看起來更隨性⾃在,另外配搭上時興的loafers則更添時尚感

    Pairing a good shirt with traditionally casual trousers is the key to acing this look. Think favourite jeans, tapered chinos and rolled-up hems with a good belt. If the weather permits, throw on a lightweight blazer and you are golden. Don’t forget to frame those naked ankles with a pair of loafers or sneakers.

  3. 時尚不俗套Trendy Classic


    恤衫+⻄褲造型看似經典不敗,但其實稍⼀不慎就容易顯得老套⼜俗氣!如果想造型看起來更隨性,不妨考慮配搭時下流⾏的九分直筒⻄裝褲、或是錐形版型(tapered pants)等有彈性的褲款,絕對比⼀般正裝⻄褲更舒適⾃在。同時將恤衫⼿袖挽起⾄中袖長度更可幫助修飾⾝型,令整體穿搭有型⽽不失⼤體。⾄於另⼀個同樣令⼈頭痛的穿搭問題——攝衫與否,其實是取決於所搭配的褲⼦的剪裁。近年流⾏的半攝衫造型時尚之餘能⼤⼤減低⻄服的拘束感,⽽現時亦有在較正式的⻄褲上加入腰帶的新穎設計,⽅便男⼠們無須繫上⽪帶亦能將恤衫tuck in穿著。

    There is a fine line between looking timeless and looking dated, and here are a few tips to avoid the faux pas. Keep the classic silhouette clean but modernise it with new fabric and print, like stretch fabric for added comfort. Inject some instant charm by playing around with sleeve and leg lengths, like rolling sleeves up and adopting tapered trousers at a nine-point length. There is also a question that pains most - to tuck or not to tuck? Good news is, there are trousers that are designed to accommodate for both tucked-in and untucked looks, with or without belts.

  4. 跳出傳統Fashionistas

    Weekend要約friend / 同女朋友去街,當然要靚靚仔仔,但⼜想舒適輕便,可以嘗試跳出傳統襯衫的翻領設計,選擇更有特⾊的立企領恤衫。立企領恤衫多⽤上通爽的綿麻⾯料,休閒感較重,適⽤於搭配相對年輕多變的休閒造型——簡單⼀件立企領的淨⾊恤衫配上休閒⻄褲/⽜仔褲及波鞋,便能令造型的時尚感⼤⼤提升。

    Weekends are when you can truly uninhibit your real personality and style. Let your buttons down in a cotton or linen shirt and roll your sleeves up for that laid back vibe. Pair some chinos with sneakers, or linen with loafers to strike that perfect balance of casual, thrown-together look.

  5. 短袖的時尚Mould Breakers


    短袖恤衫向來是地雷穿搭的常客,但其實只要穿搭得宜,短袖恤衫絕對比常規恤衫更具可塑性。要擺脫「老套」,就要從多層次穿搭入⼿。短袖恤衫較常規恤衫感覺更時尚隨性,沒有了「正式感」的拘束,令短袖恤衫在造型配搭上更多元化。時下流⾏的寬鬆版型設計非常適合⾻架較⼩的亞洲⾝型男⼠,直⾝剪裁看起來更清爽舒適,再搭配各種打底T-shirt及飾物單品即能營造出層次感,利⽤細節為造型加分!⽽針對熱愛做Gym、⾝型健碩的男⼠,⼀件俐落剪裁的貼⾝短袖恤衫則更能成為你的穿搭舞台 ——將⼿袖向上反摺,既能展現你完美勻稱的⾝型⽽⼜不失時尚。

    The short sleeve shirt is not for the faint hearted but the right one can become your best friend especially during the summers. For Asian physiques, the key is to look for straight cuts with a casual fit. Wear it on its own or over a t-shirt for an added dimension. If you have the gun-show for a short sleeve to show off, by all means opt for a fitted, tailored cut then roll it up for that extra snugglyness.

  6. 馬甲穿搭Layering with blazer



    Layering has always been a big part of fashion styling. The concept of mix and matching never gets old. The formal and dull 3 piece combo (shirts, suits and vests) have now evolved into a sleek styling: slim-fit blazer and vests with plaid/stripe Shirts, jeans instead of trousers, playful bow ties and rough check ties, or casual short-sleeved shirts matched with blazer and vests. A piece of vest worn over a shirt enhances the versatility of your wardrobe by being a highlighter to your unique charm.